Chicken of the Woods!

September is a great time to get into the woods. Whether you are squirrel hunting, passing through to get to Canada goose habitat, or scouting for deer season, an added benefit of a September forest walk is to find Chicken of the Woods.  No, not grouse, but rather a super tasty mushroom that pairs nicely with other game meat dishes.  This distinctive and easy to identify mushroom has a meaty texture and mild flavor reminiscent of chicken.  Look for brightly colored Chicken of the Woods that is moist for best flavor and texture.   It is delicious sliced and sauteed with shallots as a side dish or added to stir-fry or pasta.It also freezes well to be enjoyed later in the fall or winter as part of a celebratory feast, such as Thanksgiving.  For best results, simply steam or saute it slightly without fat for a few minutes and then store it in an airtight container in the freezer for up to 3 months.


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